Time always stood still while flying down the alley and the Daddy Bruce neighborhood on my bike as a kid. Time didn't snap back into place until the lampost went on, we were caught unexpectedly in the dark, or worse hearing mom or dad yelling at some bad kids in trouble. Having a bike and flying free as a bird in the wind with this hunk of magic metal that somehow protected against all intruders and invaders seems timeless. I never grew out of it, I never became too old or too bored by the bicycle. I suppose we are all somewhat larger versions of the smaller us's habits.
As time and life kept going I was always blessed to keep the fun in movement. If it wasn't a bike it was a dance fest, or a hike. Somehow I always was raised eating right and nutrition never seemed a mystery. The issue was that I was able to eat what ever I wanted after moving out on my own. The worst part was oh how I could keep up this adorable physique through all the mess. Why such a curse? Well because one day around the time my daughter approached three things changed, and fast. I remember the day I had her and three days later walking out of the hospital in the hot summer with my mini short shorts on that hadn't fit for the last few months.
It wasn't child birth, it was just...one day. I guess people call it metabolic change and maybe there was some extra depression in there over a failed relationship but still....50 lbs!? REALLY!? Just one day of changing nothing I had done for years? SO not fair, but so dang true. SO a few months go by and a few more and all the sudden I don't much care for my pictures in family situations and my clothes don't fit. Well I always had the blessing of curves and never a shortage of men seeking me out chubby or thin, but sheesh I couldn't stand it. Over time it just became me...I have always loved food and the social love that comes with it. I already know I'm not an emotional eater but rather a sleeper. But in social situations and equating love and value!? FOOD wins every time. From my creative side of culinary wonders to showing those I love just how much I love them.
As I sign up for a 47 mile bike race and realize a size I haven't been in 10 years I am very excited to walk by old photos of me, I get excited to see them. Not for any other reason than "Hey look at me back then! I look sooooo much better now!" Its like a tipping point has come to pass where expert knowledge, action, preparation, psychological readiness, and me learning how to do them all at once, rather than a few at a time has made magic. I have to look ahead thus a crazy bike race, I have to look behind, thus keep my spirits up, I have to look forward, thus belief that I can do what I really haven't been able to believe I could or should is WORKING! And most important to know I can keep going and to truly know just how fun it is!
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