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Love The Rambler


Elephant In the Room

How do you know if something's living? How do you know if you should keep fighting to keep it alive? How do you kill the already dying? Do you shoot it and put it out of its misery, or do you let it suffer until the inevitable? Do you douse it in potions and formulas?  Do you keep up the charade or do you take off the mask in surrender? You don't have the answers just what you know wasn't the answer?  If its been on the decline for over a decade, did it ever occur the odd shepherd out may of been on to something? Empowerment isn't crippling and its not your job to say no.

There are too many questions and too little answers.  There is too much shock and awe and not enough comforting trust.  There isn't just two sides there is worlds apart.  It isn't an us versus them,  its a we versus we. The conversations swirl and twist diverging though mayhem dipping in and out of truth.  Some things a differ of opinion, while others bold faced lies.  When the world is spinning around you its hard to find your bearings. When the rugs been yanked out from under you its surely a loss in balance, dizzy, sickening, scary.

How do you sleep at night when the facts start to blur?  How do you raise up in the morning when you know what awaits you?  Can you back up your case or is this even a trial?  Are you prosecuting or defending or better yet judging?  Were you part of the in crowd were you leader of the clique? Did you know the secret handshake or the tree house passwords? Were you invited to the sleep over for fun or to get picked on?

There is either growing or dying but little in between.  There is accountability or denial all of which I've seen.  We should move this baby forward full steam engine ahead, or turn off the lights, put the for sale sign up and move on if its already dead.  You can say do this or that but what you model is your proof. There are families, spouses, and friends at odds. There is aching faces from six days of wailing. There is vomit there is trauma.  Was this the modeling Jesus we speak of?

 Dare we mutter the word Community,  if built only to tear down? We should trust and be vulnerable under the admittedly uncertain?   You can say we want this but yet you do that. Its hard to sort out some pure truths and whats fact,  but in the end if its do as I say, not what I do... don't be mad when we don't DO anything and worst trust no one developing spiritual attachment disorder.

There is no fear in dying, that's what we preach.  Just give it to God and watch HIM restore whats lost out of our reach.  But yet we squeeze and squeeze like a toddler ITS ALL MINE and meanwhile we didn't even notice we've sucked out its life. We press down a thumb of control and dictation, the 'accepted as you are if you fit'  puppeteer nation.  We wouldn't want to discuss something so 'common' its secret,  for fear of disrespecting the already disrespected?  We fear loosing the story of old. We fear letting go of the glory days while on top of the world. We fear having to face our inadequacies and yet we continue to squeeze and to squeeze.

So let it just go and lay  it to rest if you won't give it a jump. If there's no paramedics to 3 2 1 CLEAR it back to beating again pump...pump. For with every forest fire comes the burned and the ravaged. But several seasons ahead comes the greenest of grasses and brightest of flowers.  With each seed in the ground it must break to sprout come spring.  There is no fine wine in an uncrushed fresh grape. And with our trials come the testimony of how we should trust.  But for now we repent for the hearts that we have broken by just passing and saying hi. Sometimes we must do the unbearably hard hard thing. And other times we make it harder than it EVER had to be....

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