Welcome to my Blog!

Life is Grand. Life is Random. Life Hurts. Life Comforts. Life Gives. Life Takes. Life Loves and You're Not Alone nor Lost

Love The Rambler


Bday of Blog- Blog Disclaimer & Trapped in a Nitting Circle


So the old saying goes "I'm not lost, just wondering" but me I'm just Rambling through the wondering! So here goes the Birthday of this random blog of ramblings. I feel like I should not be using my facebook status update as my blog so out of respect I have birthed today this little blog called "Not Lost, Just Rambling...Random Acts of Rambling"


I notice this life through the lenses of me and find certain things so random and worth rambling about! It doesn't matter what the day beholds I suppose there is always good/ bad in each and every day. I have a very opinionated sense of my world and have no issues expressing those no matter how ridiculous or meticulous. I wish in some ways I cared more what people thought of me but the fact is I just don't.

I mean of course I want to be loved, respected and all that human stuff, but all my friends know that I am down to give advice or commentary at any moment. So don't be offended if ever I say or ramble about things you are itched or irritated over. It's ok a great man once said being 'offended' is not about the one offending but the one feeling offended. So the advice was to ask "why is this offending me- what in my past or belief system is rubbed raw by this?" So yeah its hard to do but try I guess if ya get mad...

Eh I also don't promise any set subject matter...becuase this blog won't be stuck in any box, well except that box of your computer screen. Content could go from theology, to kids, to friends to getting stuck in random nitting circles! (See below)  Please feel free to comment or argue with me if you like but just know the management is not responsible for anything that comes out of my mouth.

And last but not least I wont overblow your feed and post like 20 a day or something- I am far too busy for that so I will post as I see fit maybe a few times a week:)

a.k.a  "I Can't Believe Its NOT Butter" Moment.....:

So somehow as I sat at the coffee shop I became entrapped by an ol ladies nitters/crocheting group! Yeah so random, it all started when I sat at one of those cushy, soft comfy back aching lounger chairs ready to set up my laptop and get working- along come this grey haired rich sort of woman with the glossy cherry shoes. There was a configuration of 6 chairs in a circle with 2 little round coffee tables in the middle. You know how when you're sipping your coffee people often say 'Oh is this seat taken' because you know these soft chairs look like groups of two or more. So yeah she does the usual and asks the usual and I answer the usual. "No go ahead"...

But then she begins to stalk the other few people leaving the other chairs. She begins to move the all around this one table as people leave. More empty nester ladies of hers arrive and begin to fill her configuration of chairs. Before long I realize I am engulfed in a circle of nitter's and boy do I look funny here with my lap top, books, paperwork and oh you know 30 years behind these ladies. IT felt like awkward as could be but NO! I will stand my ground... After all I deserve this comfy chair as anyone, and so what if I am not an internet nitter!? They couldn't say leave but it was sure funny to just sit in this randomness... The conversations couldn't be weirder either! I really found it funny how bitterly mean they were to eachother from time to time, and then just move on as if they didnt just hurl poo around the group with their mouths. I sure learned where the greatest yarn shops and the latest invention of stainless Steele yarn...yes stainless Steele. "I don't go to indoor pools" - "Oh just come you don't have to swim it's for a benefit" - " I DON'T DO INDOOR POOLS SO I WILL NOT BE COMING" Evil eye..snare...Don't ever ask me again you crazy- "Ok well anyway, if anyone wants to come to the benefit you should come" ..Hmm never thought an indoor pool invite could cause such a scene..

I learned how many women hated the current projects they were working on and how they despised their loved ones and how they write random checks of $3,000 to people to get them to shut up. Wow if I start talking can I get a check? LOL Yeah those rocks they rock are like more than my house too, but hey I guess we have to start somewhere. Oh and don't get up to go to the bathroom or they'll talk some trash too and smile when you return!

Well out of this entrapment of yarn, hooks and cranks - off to lunch.... Random.

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