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Love The Rambler


Default Circles & The Grace Card-An Unavoidable Trap of Life

I think the hardest thing about this thing called life, is learning that people you think are supposed to be there for you AREN'T and should have your back simply DON'T. Its a hard battle and it hits even the closest people in our lives. No one is off limits, no one is exempt from this potential- in fact the closer to you,  the more knowledge they can hold to hit you harder.  Its a sad sad condition of the heart that burdens with a heavy brick of devastation. Its not even about the specific examples- its just realizing people aren't who you thought they were and grieving that loss is painful.  It's just a general realization the older I get, and the more and more people I think are in my world on one accord, they show out to inject injury. They take the opportunities to use, cheat, lie, steal, back stab and shatter the ideal. It's interestingly painful when its known that if every time someone did this and the response was to get rid of them, the result is complete and utter isolation. There would be no one left. Maybe mom- but for some, maybe not.  So we are left with choosing: 'To what degree of damage am I willing to accept?' and we keep those around us as a default....and I hate it....I hate every bit of it.  I hate being overwhelmed and busy with my time already running low only to have people waste it. Take it. Use it up and spit it up. I hate when you tell someone your heart and let them hear where you're at, and they just stomp all over it. I hate when you draw a boundary attached to a consequence and people test you- then blame you for the consequence they so eloquently knew about when they not only crossed the line, but jumped over it, spit on it, did the roger rabbit on it and back flipped over just for the hell of it three times.  Ya I'm being over dramatic... I hate when people are only your friends for a season and back out of years of friendship for something pithy and cheap. Boo hoo. Grow up. I hate when people act like you don't exist and just slide on by as if you've morphed into some ghost. I hate users and AskHoles. I hate when people ask you to help with their special event, but when its your big day- they send a regretful text message- or better yet ignore even a Facebook invite. They only need you when they need you and when that isn't on the table they are gone like the wind.  I hate sin I guess- that's what this is. Its the fallen man and woman always in need of redemption. I hold people to a high standard because I hold myself there. I'm not perfect but I sure do try to be the best I can be. If I hurt someone I say I'm sorry. If I have an issue with someone I try to go to them, and not just dance around the issue. If I have caused pain and anguish I try to make it up. Even when I'm tired and cranky I still go. I still show up. I don't bail. I guess I have to give grace so that someday I get some too. But I think I'm kindof getting tired of the grace card. What about the 'Don't be a dick' card...its like people just walk around speaking Christianese with Grace and Mercy that should abound so they can continue to just be rude, selfish and disrespectful. Well I call B.S. I call religious scape goat! I call EXCUSE EXCUSE EXCUSE....I call.....TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. OWN IT. You can make your choices, but you can't choose your consequences...even if you pull the Grace Card.    

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